
Fyrgården, Anholt
Fyrgården lies at the northeast tip of the island Anholt. It’s located strategically in the middle of the high tides of the crystal-clear Kattegatt Sea. Built in 1826 as a diamond-shaped stronghold, the sole purpose of this house was to protect the small community living there from the harsh northern winds. Originally used to house generations of lighthouse keepers, their families, and assistants.Today, Fyrgården has become a home and an institution. A sphere of creativity where different projects support and cultivate Fyrgården's unique qualities. During summer, a long-table pop-up dinner called fælles takes place along with a pop-up shop selling Andersen-Andersen knit and products from Grethe, inspired by the island and the old lighthouse.
Our friend Alf, co-creator of fælles and founder of Grethe, captured all images at Fyrgården